jueves, 16 de agosto de 2007


Vendo el inventario de recuerdos de la historia mas bonita que en la vida escuche
Vendo el guión de la película mas triste y la mas bella que en la vida pude ver
Vendo los acordes, la brillante melodía y la letra que en la vida compondré
Vendo hasta el cartel donde se anuncia el estreno del momento que en la vida viviré
Entiendo que te fueras, y ahora pago mi condena pero
no me pidas que quiera vivir
Sin tu luna, sin tu sol, sin tu dulce locura
me vuelvo pequeña y menuda, la noche te sueña y se burla
te intento abrazar y te esfumas
vendo una cámara gastada que captaba la mirada que en la vida grabare
vendo dos entradas caducadas que eran de segunda fila que en la vida romperé
vendo dos butacas reservadas hace siglos y ahora caigo que en la vida me senté
vendo hasta el cartel donde se anuncia el estreno del momento que en la vida viviré entiendo que te fueras, y ahora pago mi condena pero no me pidas que quiera vivir
sin tu luna, sin tu sol sin tu dulce locura
me vuelvo pequeña y menuda, la noche te sueña y se burla
te intento abrazar
sin tu luna sin tu sol sin tu dulce locura
llorando como un día de lluvia mi alma despega y te busca
en un viaje un viaje del que no vuelve nunca.
subiré cada noche a buscar a tu luna en mi tejado
el recuerdo de un abrazo que me hace tiritar
sin tu luna sin tu sol sin tu dulce locura
me vuelvo pequeña y menuda
la noche te sueña y se burla
te intento abrazar
sin tu luna sin tu sol sin tu dulce locura
llorando como un día de lluvia mi alma despega y te busca en un viaje del que nunca volverá.
Wend the inventory of memories of the pretty history but that in the life listens Wend the beautiful one but script the sad film but and that in the life I could see Wend the agreed ones, the brilliant melody and the letter that in the life I will compose Wend until the poster where the opening of the moment announces that in the life I will live I understand that you were yourself, and now payment my sentence but you do not request to me that it wants to live Without your moon, your sun, your sweet madness I become small and slight, the night dreams to you and it makes fun of I try to you to embrace and you disappear Wend a spent camera that caught the glance that in the life will record Wend two expired entrances that were of second row that in the life I will break Wend two armchairs reserved for centuries and now I have been falling that in the life I seated Wend until the poster where the opening of the moment announces that in the life I will live I understand that you were yourself, and now payment my sentence but you do not request to me that it wants to live without your moon, your sun without your sweet madness I become small and slight, the night dreams to you and it makes fun of I try to you to embrace without your moon without your sun without your sweet madness crying as a day of rain my soul takes off and it looks for to you in a trip a trip from which never returns. I will raise every night to look for your moon in my tile roof the memory of a hug that makes me shiver without your moon without your sun without your sweet madness I become small and slight the night dreams to you and it makes fun of I try to you to embrace without your moon without your sun without your sweet madness crying as a day of rain my soul takes off and it looks for to you in a trip from which never it will return.

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